Guest Editors

Each issue of Apart has a guest director who provides his vision of current gastronomy and the future of cuisine based on the people, landscapes and movements that are already taking place. From his perspective, each report delves into various topics, from the chefs who will be protagonists of the cuisine of the future that we discovered and visited in the first issue, directed by Ferran Adrià, to the countries and social movements that are becoming in micro-revolutions that transform our gastronomy and that they discovered in the second issue, directed by the Roca brothers. In the third issue, we travel through the Mediterranean with the chefs of the Disfrutar restaurant, Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch and Mateu Casañas.


Oriol Castro (Barcelona, 1974), Eduard Xatruch (Vila-seca, 1981) and Mateu Casañas (Roser, 1971). Touched by the Mediterranean. Three chefs – one from the Costa del Garraf, another from the Costa Daurada and the last one from the Costa Brava. They are Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch and Mateu Casañas, respectively, who, after an unquestionable growth at the Compartir restaurant, in Cadaqués, arrive in Barcelona across this sea to create Disfrutar, an establishment that in ten years has not only been applauded by diners, but has also achieved recognition in the main guides and lists.

Amb ells, emprenem una travessia per set territoris banyats per la nostra mar (Itàlia, la Riviera francesa, l’Ístria croata, Esmirna, la regió del Rif i les illes Cíclades i Catalunya), un territori ple de reptes al voltant de la cuina i l’alimentació.

The Roca brothers

Joan, Josep and Jordi Roca (Girona, 1964, 1966 and 1978), discovered their passion for cooking and catering at Can Roca, the family restaurant run by their parents. Joan creates a free kitchen that sublimates and respects genuine flavor with the application of precise technique, while Josep has forged an intimate relationship with the room and the wine. The youngest of the family, Jordi, is in charge of the dessert party and declares himself addicted to sweet entertainment.

Ferran Adrià

Ferran Adrià (l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, 1962) is the most important contemporary chef in the world. His long period at the head of the stove at the elBulli restaurant, in Roses (Alt Empordà), served to enable him to display a creative culinary genius that changed the technical and conceptual parameters of global haute cuisine. Among other projects, I currently run the elBulli Foundation, dedicated to research and the preservation of elBulli’s gastronomic legacy and knowledge.

Issue 3

The third issue of the Apart magazine is dedicated monographically to the Mediterranean, traveling through seven regions to discover the effervescence of the cuisines of a changing sea. An area that the chefs of Disfrutar, Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch and Mateu Casañas, know very well and that they accompany us to discover.


The third issue of the Apart magazine is dedicated monographically to the Mediterranean, traveling through seven regions to discover the effervescence of the cuisines of a changing sea. An area that the chefs of Disfrutar, Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch and Mateu Casañas, know very well and that they accompany us to discover.


The third issue of the Apart magazine is dedicated monographically to the Mediterranean, traveling through seven regions to discover the effervescence of the cuisines of a changing sea. An area that the chefs of Disfrutar, Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch and Mateu Casañas, know very well and that they accompany us to discover.


The third issue of the Apart magazine is dedicated monographically to the Mediterranean, traveling through seven regions to discover the effervescence of the cuisines of a changing sea. An area that the chefs of Disfrutar, Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch and Mateu Casañas, know very well and that they accompany us to discover.


The publication, of 196 pages, contains seven extensive reports that delve into Mediterranean cuisines, in full effervescence: Italy, the French Riviera, Croatian Istria, Smyrna, the Rif, the Cyclades islands and Catalonia.



The publication, of 196 pages, contains seven extensive reports that delve into Mediterranean cuisines, in full effervescence: Italy, the French Riviera, Croatian Istria, Smyrna, the Rif, the Cyclades islands and Catalonia.



Issue 2

The second issue of Apart magazine is dedicated monographically to the journey through seven movements and countries that, from a local point of view, are shaking up global gastronomy. Micro-revolutions that the brothers Joan, Josep and Jordi Roca, from El Celler de Can Roca, know very well and they accompany us to discover.

The second issue of Apart magazine is dedicated monographically to the journey through seven movements and countries that, from a local point of view, are shaking up global gastronomy. Micro-revolutions that the brothers Joan, Josep and Jordi Roca, from El Celler de Can Roca, know very well and they accompany us to discover.

APART 2 is a tasty journey through countries that the Roca brothers love, to which they have traveled to verify that there are many cuisines that can motivate us to learn and to understand other cultural, gastronomic and social registers.

APART 2 is a tasty journey through countries that the Roca brothers love, to which they have traveled to verify that there are many cuisines that can motivate us to learn and to understand other cultural, gastronomic and social registers.

The 192-page publication contains seven extensive reports that delve into the micro-revolutions that are taking place in Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Scotland and Turkey, and that also accompany us to learn about the sources of cocoa and the countries that are considered the cradle of wine.


The 192-page publication contains seven extensive reports that delve into the micro-revolutions that are taking place in Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Scotland and Turkey, and that also accompany us to learn about the sources of cocoa and the countries that are considered the cradle of wine.


Issue 1

The first issue of Apart magazine is dedicated to the journey through the seven cuisines inspiring the future as proposed by Ferran Adrià as guest editor of this new publication.


The first issue of Apart magazine is dedicated to the journey through the seven cuisines inspiring the future as proposed by Ferran Adrià as guest editor of this new publication.


Beyond the paper version, the magazine jumps onto the screen thanks to the six virtual reality (VR) reports and that will make you feel like you’re right inside the kitchens and landscapes that appear in the reports.


Beyond the paper version, the magazine jumps onto the screen thanks to the six virtual reality (VR) reports and that will make you feel like you’re right inside the kitchens and landscapes that appear in the reports.


The 228-page publication contains seven extensive reports that delve into the cuisines of Catalonia, Argentina, Denmark, Brazil, Morocco, Japan and Greece, with texts signed by international specialists, spectacular photographs, fold-outs and infographics.


The 228-page publication contains seven extensive reports that delve into the cuisines of Catalonia, Argentina, Denmark, Brazil, Morocco, Japan and Greece, with texts signed by international specialists, spectacular photographs, fold-outs and infographics.


Apart – The gastronomy of tomorrow

A tour of the Mediterranean

With the help of Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch and Mateu Casañas, we embark on a journey through seven territories bathed by our sea, a space full of challenges around cooking and food, which they see as a great promenade or indispensable market for understand both the origins and the reality of this society.

The Mediterranean


Micro Revolutions


Guest editors


Guest editors


Ferran Adrià

Ferran Adrià (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, 1962) is the world’s most important contemporary chef. His long stint at the helm of the elBulli restaurant in Roses (Alt Empordà) served to unleash a creative culinary genius that changed the technical and conceptual parameters of world haute cuisine.

With Adrià, elBulli earned three Michelin stars and was considered on five occasions the best restaurant in the world by Restaurant Magazine. In 2003, the chef starred on a cover of The New York Times and in 2004, Time magazine ranked him one of the 100 most influential characters in the world.

With Adrià, elBulli earned three Michelin stars and was considered on five occasions the best restaurant in the world by Restaurant Magazine. In 2003, the chef starred on a cover of The New York Times supplement, and in 2004, Time magazine ranked him one of the 100 most influential characters in the world.

In 2011 he decided to close elBulli to focus on historical and scientific research and the creative processes of gastronomy. This is where projects such as the Bullipèdia and the Bulli Foundation were born, opening this autumn at Cala Montjoi, where the restaurant used to be.

In recent years, Adrià has contributed to various documentaries and publications on gastronomy and his work. With the opening of centre at Cala Montjoi, the chef will focus on his own projects. Directing this first issue of Apart will be his last external collaboration before concentrating on the Bulli Foundation.

In recent years, Adrià has contributed to various documentaries and publications on gastronomy and his work. With the opening of centre at Cala Montjoi, the chef will focus on his own projects. Directing this first issue of Apart will be his last external collaboration before concentrating on the Bulli Foundation.

Videos VR

Put on your virtual reality glasses and enjoy first-hand the six experiences we’ve brought you in Apart magazine.

Enjoy the experience more

The virtual reality videos are part of the reports and an initial reading makes for a richer and more complete understanding.

If you’re using an iOS device, we recommend using the Chrome browser or the native YouTube app to watch the videos.

To go even deeper and improve the listening experience, we recommend using headphones.

1. Brazil

The Port of Belém, in Pará, is located near the mouth of the Tocantins, one of the tributaries of the Amazon. Accompanying the boatmen through these waters reveals a lush landscape, showing off the diversity of ingredients to be found at the Ver-o-Peso market.

2. Japan

How can you find a moment of peace in the heart of Tokyo, one of the world’s most populous metropolises? The contrast between the serenity of the restaurant Narisawa and the bustle of the streets of the Japanese capital helps us to explain and feel a part of the Japanese soul.

3. Argentina

By the evening, the beef ribs are ready to be brought to the table. The roast has gone on for hours and has turned out well thanks to the attentions of the gauchos from La Bamba de Areco, in San Antonio de Areco. With this video you can feel like another of the gaucho.

4. Denmark

The new Noma 2.0 is far from an old-fashioned restaurant. It takes up an entire island and, when fully complete, will cover 11 buildings surrounded by an 2100m2 allotment. There are dining rooms and kitchens, but also labs and greenhouses, and you can see them as if you were there yourself.

5. Morocco

The city of Fez is Morocco’s third largest. It was founded in the 9th century and soon became a centre of spirituality and culture. Over the centuries, Fez has remained the country’s capital of art and science. These are the surroundings where chef Najat Kaanache draws her inspiration from.

6. Greece

Crete is a good place to see how the links uniting the cuisine and the landscape are reflected on the table. In the bay of Balos we can connect with the more maritime soul of the island which merges with its countrified spirit by the sand of the beach.

The Magazine

The first issue of Apart magazine is dedicated to the journey through the seven cuisines inspiring the future as proposed by Ferran Adrià as guest editor of this new publication.

The first issue of Apart magazine is dedicated to the journey through the seven cuisines inspiring the future as proposed by Ferran Adrià as guest editor of this new publication.

The 228-page publication contains seven extensive reports that delve into the cuisines of Catalonia, Argentina, Denmark, Brazil, Morocco, Japan and Greece, with texts signed by international specialists, spectacular photographs, fold-outs and infographics.

The 228-page publication contains seven extensive reports that delve into the cuisines of Catalonia, Argentina, Denmark, Brazil, Morocco, Japan and Greece, with texts signed by international specialists, spectacular photographs, fold-outs and infographics.

Beyond the paper version, the magazine jumps onto the screen thanks to the six virtual reality (VR) reports and that will make you feel like you’re right inside the kitchens and landscapes that appear in the reports.

Beyond the paper version, the magazine jumps onto the screen thanks to the six virtual reality (VR) reports and that will make you feel like you’re right inside the kitchens and landscapes that appear in the reports.

With the purchase of the magazine, we will gift you the glasses to have the VR experience at home yourself.


With the purchase of the magazine, we will gift you the glasses to have the VR experience at home yourself.


The Project

What will the gastronomy of the future look like? Chef Ferran Adrià, the architect of the world's most important culinary revolution in recent memory, asks this question and accompanies us to seven countries to find the answers in the origins of their culinary traditions. And he does so as a guest editor of the first issue of a new magazine, Apart, started by the team at CUINA magazine.

The paths of new haute cuisine

Since the revolution launched by Adrià from elBulli, French haute cuisine has no longer been the only reference for fine dining. Any culinary culture can inspire new ways of cooking and eating. In these six destinations we find techniques, ingredients and chefs that prove it. René Redzepi, Yoshihiro Narisawa and Najat Kaanache share top billing with anonymous chefs who are heirs to gastronomic traditions as ancient as they are modern.

The paths of new haute cuisine

Since the revolution launched by Adrià from elBulli, French haute cuisine has no longer been the only reference for fine dining. Any culinary culture can inspire new ways of cooking and eating. In these six destinations we find techniques, ingredients and chefs that prove it. René Redzepi, Yoshihiro Narisawa and Najat Kaanache share top billing with anonymous chefs who are heirs to gastronomic traditions as ancient as they are modern.

A culinary journey from north to south and from east to west

Apart magazine’s team has travelled 64,000 km around the world to explore these inspiring cuisines on the ground and have collected written, photographic and VR audiovisual testimonials to tell you about them.

A culinary journey from north to south and from east to west

Apart magazine’s team has travelled 64,000 km around the world to explore these inspiring cuisines on the ground and have collected written, photographic and VR audiovisual testimonials to tell you about them.