Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

General information on the electronic headquarters or website of and its contents is managed by the company SOM, SCCL, with Spanish company tax number (CIF) F-63.577.167 and main office at Carrer Premià, 13, baixos, 08014 Barcelona.
The electronic headquarters of can be found at the website, without prejudice to the fact that other website addresses may at times or permanently also allow visits to the contents and services provided through the website.



Any visits to and/or use of SOM, SCCL, portals constitutes your status as a user who accepts the legal notice and privacy policy contained within them from the beginning of said visit and/or use. The aforementioned conditions shall apply regardless of any mandatory General Contract Conditions, where applicable.


Protection of intellectual property rights

The contents and graphic elements contained in the website are the exclusive property of SOM, SCCL, or individual or legal third-party entities that have authorised their use to SOM, SCCL. The website contents are protected by copyright, with the exceptions under the provisions of Article 13 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April 1996, which approves the recast text of the Intellectual Property Law. Therefore, any use or reproduction that users make of these contents, or other content that may be incorporated in the future, must be carried out in accordance with the provisions and respect the limitations of the aforementioned regulations. explicitly states that a general copyright exists on all the contents disseminated on the website and that these contents are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights.
The following actions are not authorised under any circumstances:
• Presenting a page from the website in a window that does not belong to by means of framing.
• Inserting an image displayed on the website on a page that is not from by means of in line linking.
• Removing any elements of the website that would be prejudicial to in accordance with the current provisions.
• Using the website to freely promote commercial activities.
• Commercially using the contents of the website
• Using distinctive brands, signs, logos, colour combinations, structure, design and, in general, distinctive symbols of any nature owned by SOM, SCCL, without the corresponding knowledge and authorisation of the company.
• Using the contents for activities that are illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order.
• Disseminating contents or propaganda that are racist or xenophobic, pornographic, illegal or infringe on human rights.
• Causing damage to the physical and logical systems of SOM, SCCL, its suppliers or third parties; introducing or disseminating into the computer network viruses or other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause previously mentioned damages.
• Attempting to access and, where applicable, use the email accounts of other users and modifying or manipulating their messages.

SOM, SCCL, reserves the right to initiate any precautionary actions, procedures and measures provided for under intellectual property legislation in relation to any infringements by users of intellectual property regulations. Any infringements committed by fraudulently using the information and contents contained on the website may entail the penalties provided for under criminal law (Articles 270 et seq.).


Protection of personal information

A) Data collected through forms
If you provide your personal data through this electronic site, its processing shall be carried out under the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December 1999, on the protection of personal data, and under remaining applicable regulations.
If you wish to exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure or opposition (“AREO” rights) in relation to your personal data processed by under the terms and conditions provided for in Title III of the Spanish Data Protection Law (LOPD), you can write to:
SOM, SCCL, Carrer Premià, 13, baixos; 08014 Barcelona.

Under the provisions of Article 24 of the LOPD, you can also make your request for access, rectification, erasure or opposition by other means, provided that it allows proof of delivery and receipt of the request and that said request contains the elements specified in Article 25.1 of the Spanish Personal Data Protection Act (RLOPD).

If you sign up for our newsletters, you must be aware that you may receive promotional or advertising information from both SOM, SCCL, and third parties.

B) Browsing data
The browsing system and software required for the operation of this website standardly collect specific data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. The type of data includes the IP address or domain name of the computer used by the user to connect to the website, the URL of the resource requested, the time, the method used for the server request, the size of the file obtained in the response, the numerical code that indicates the response status to the server and other parameters related to the operating system of the user’s computer environment.
This information is not associated to specific users and is merely used to obtain statistical information on the use of the website. does not use cookies or other similar means to handle personal data that allow the identification of specific physical persons using its electronic headquarters. The use of these means is exclusively dedicated to collecting technical information to facilitate user visits and safe, efficient browsing of the electronic headquarters of
This website uses Google Analytics audience measurement tools, which help to analyse the behaviour and profile of anonymous visitors in order to improve website operation. These measurement tools use third-party cookies. You can access the cookies policy of at​


Responsibility regarding content

SOM, SCCL, reserves the right to modify and delete any of the contents on its website and also limit or prevent access either temporarily or permanently without prior notice.
SOM, SCCL, is not responsible for any information or contents from other websites to which it refers or that are linked to the portal.
SOM, SCCL, does not necessarily share the opinions expressed by its collaborators and blog authors.


Right of exclusion

SOM, SCCL, reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to its websites and/or services it offers without prior notice of any users violating these general terms and conditions or rules of use, at its own initiative or from that of a third party.



The sending of any order forms constitutes a form of electronic contract under the provisions of Law 34/2002, on services of the information society. Under this law, SOM, SCCL, would like to inform you that the only procedures required to comply with said contract shall be correct and truthful data forwarding and subsequent payment. The document in which this contract is formalised shall be stored in our offices for the legally obligatory period, during which time it shall remain available for access, rectification or erasure.


General points

SOM, SCCL, shall pursue any breaches of these terms conditions and any unlawful use of its websites, exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond to it by law.

Changes to these terms conditions and duration
SOM, SCCL, may modify these terms and conditions at any time, being duly published as they appear here. These terms and conditions shall be valid during the time they are displayed and until they are modified by other duly published terms and conditions.


Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The relationship between SOM, SCCL, and users shall be governed by existing Spanish legislation and any disputes shall be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona.